
Reading 2024-2025

Our intent:

At St Stephen Churchtown Academy we value reading as a key life skill and are dedicated to enabling our pupils to become lifelong readers.


Every pupil will:

  • be taught and enabled to practise the phonics code to read easily and fluently.
  • be familiar with, and enjoy listening to, a wide range of stories, poems, rhymes and non-fiction
  • access carefully chosen texts to develop their vocabulary, language comprehension and enjoyment as well as experience our rich and varied literary heritage.
  • be able to comprehend and discuss the texts that they are reading in school and apply this across the curriculum and whenever they are reading for pleasure or information.
In Nursery, the children enjoy listening to and sharing books with their peers and adults as well as erading on their own. They love to talk about stories and are encouraged to remember what has happened in the story or some facts from the non fiction books.
In Reception,  high quality books are to be found across all areas of provision which inspires the children to pick up a book and find out what it is about. Reading spine books are always available and children are encouraged to listen attentively as well as ask questions, make comments and follow actions during reading times.
In Year 1, children also have access to books in all the areas of provision. Within the reading area, there are a selection of recommended reads for their age group which provide a range of top quality reading material for the children to engage with. They listen to and discuss books that are read to them as well as books they read themselves and can retell stories or facts from non fiction books.
In Year 2, children are able to read recommended reads from the book area and they also take home a sharing book from the library. They are able to listen carefully to what is read and can explain their understanding of different texts, taking part in discussions and expressing their views based on what they have read. They enjoy extending their vocabulary by spotting challenging words in a text and exploring their meaning.
In Year 3, children can recognise a wide range of genres and can listen to and discuss these using appropriate terminology. They often choose to read books by the same author as they have been studying in class and you can see by their smiles how much they enjoy their books.
In Year 4, children are used to reading and sharing a wide range of genres and are beginning to delve deeper into themes and conventions in these. They start to consider authorial style.
In Year 5, children are encouraged to read widely and to consider reading the recommended reads in class as well as sharing contemporary books which ask them to reflect on author background and society as a whole. They can identify main ideas drawn from across a book and take part in structured discussions. Vocabulary continues to be extended.
BY the time children are in Year 6, they are taught to discuss, compare and evaluate a range of texts in depth. They need to recognise and consider complex themes where they draw on their skills from previous year groups and, very importantly their knowledge of language and vocabulary. They need to be reading widely for pleasure.
Useful websites
Oxford Owl at Home  Oxford Owl for School and Home
The National Literacy Trust  National Literacy Trust | UK Literacy Charity
Document links
The Wider Curriculum
In March every year, the school celebrates World Book Day by asking the children to dress up as characters or in their PJs ready for a bedtime story. During the day, we hold a special assembly and carry out activities linked to favourite, high quality books. This year, we held a character potato competition with the winners each receiving a book as well as holding a 'take home a book to keep' session. Every child took home a voucher towards buying themselves a book to read at home.

St Stephen Churchtown Academy
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