
Music 2024-2025


Our intent:

At St Stephen Churchtown Academy, music plays an integral role in inspiring children to develop a love of music, enabling them to deepen their self – confidence and creativity.


We aim for our pupils to:

  • Play, perform, and enjoy music to a range of audiences
  • Listen to and evaluate music from a wide variety of historical periods and genres
  • Understand and explore how music is created, produced, and communicated
  • Confidently explain and use vocabulary related to music
  • Experience playing an instrument
Learning in Action
  Two year old room
Music is celebrated at every opportunity to help the children begin their musical journey, this is embedded using daily routine songs, opportunities for rhyme time, singing, dancing and exploring a range of sound makers. 
In nursery we enjoy experiencing music in all areas of our provision, we like to tap out a beat or chant when we are exploring. Everyone likes to join in with daily songs and rhymes which also helps us with our daily routines.
                                                                 "It goes up"
In reception the children enjoy continuing with their daily routine rhymes which are implemented in nursery helping them to understand and cope transitions and expectations. The children continue to show a love of music in the continuous provision, where they often like to perform and share their music with others. Charanga also plays a weekly role in developing pupils' musical knowledge exposing them to a variety of musical genres. 
 "I like this song it makes me feel warm" Oliver age 4
"I made a pattern" Charlie age 4
Year One
In year one everyone enjoys weekly music lesson using the Charanga Music Scheme learning how to use their voices to speak sing and chant. The children enjoy using musical instruments, thinking about rhythmic and melodic patterns. 
"Listen, I can make a pattern with my hands"
Year Two
In Year Two the children continue building upon their previous learning beginning to deepen their knowledge of how to sing and follow a melody. The children enjoy learning about simple rhythmic patterns sometime sharing these with their peers. Furthermore the children start understand how to use symbols to represents sounds as well as making connections between notation and musical sounds.  
Year Three
In Year Three the children begin to learn how to sing a tune with expression, deepen their knowledge of musical words as well as using musical words to describe what they like and don't like about music and compositions. Furthermore the children will learn how to recognise the work of at least one famous composer as well as thinking about how to improve their work, explaining how they have done so. 
Year Four
 In Year Four the children will know how to perform a simple part rhythmically as well as singing a repertoire of songs from memory and in accurate pitch. The children will build upon all their previous learning thinking about recording  notations, interpreting sequences as well as using notation to record compositions. The children enjoy working as a whole class in small groups or on their own to compose their own music. A key skill the children will build upon is the importance of silence in music deepening their understanding of how to perform. Finally the children will learn how to describe the different purposes of music identify different styles of work. 
Year Five
In Year Five the children build upon all their previous learning revisiting key concepts to help them embed their learning. The children will begin to learn how to breath in the correct place when singing as well as understanding how to maintain their part whilst someone else is performing. Children will also develop their understanding of how to change sounds, organise them differently to change it's effect as well as composing music to that meets a specific criteria. Finally, the children will also continue developing their musical vocabulary using it in their evaluations to describe what they hear. 
Year Six
In Year Six the children will be gaining their confidence, singing in harmony, confidently and accurately as well as performing parts from memory. They will build upon their previous knowledge understanding the role of their part and that of others. In addition, the children will understand how to use a music diary to record aspects of the composition process as well as using musical vocabulary to evaluate music. Moreover, the children will build upon their previous learning of identifying famous composers knowing how to contrast their work explaining their reasoning and preferences. 
Music Progression Overviews
Useful Websites
St Stephen Churchtown Academy Website - St Stephen Churchtown Academy - Home
BBC Teach - .co.uk/teach/school-radio/nursery-rhymes-counting-songs/zn67kmn
BBC Music -  BBC Music 
Gov. - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-power-of-music-to-change-lives-a-national-plan-for-music-education#:~:text=T
Document Links
Curriculum Overview
Music Progression Overviews
SEND Provision
SEND Provision in Music:
 At St Stephen Churchtown Academy, the provision on offer for our SEN students in music reflects the intent of the subject itself. Our students, regardless of need, are encouraged to develop their musical knowledge encouraging them to listen to a variety of musical genres. 

Specific provisions for SEN children include:

  • A safe space which encourages open discussion on the concepts being taught and provides the environment needed to take risks for new learning.
  • The use of floor books within our lessons to evidence learning and encourage participation from all students. In this way, children who may not flourish in some areas of the curriculum feel secure enough to vocalise their learning during the practical aspects of the lessons, demonstrating good understanding in a way they would otherwise not be able to.
  • Adult support when and as needed.
  • Work can be differentiated based on the needs of the student, scaffolded in a way that makes it accessible to their individual learning need.
  • Up to date working walls that the children can access easily. E.g. removable vocabulary cards.
  • Adapted tools and equipment.
Knowledge Organisers  

St Stephen Churchtown Academy
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