
History 2024-25

Our intent:


History is a subject which encompasses our world: it’s people, it’s composition, it’s history, it’s future.  In St Stephen, our vision is to provide all children with the ability to delve deeper and make connections to the past and the world in which they live now.  We aim for history to inspire children to actively explore different periods of time as well as cultures, in order to paint a bigger picture of how life today came about.   

We teach children the skills required to be a good historian; how to research and gather information, how to question information for authenticity, perspective and reliability.  History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time. 


We want our pupils to be passionate about History, to foster an awe and to wonder about the past and to actively ask ‘why’ events happened;

Speak like a Historian: using high level historical vocabulary to confidently discuss key historical themes.

Think like a Historian: showing curiosity and fascination about the world and its people, gaining contextual knowledge of different locations, including culture, resources and environments.

Act like a Historian: experiencing fieldwork opportunities to interpret a range of historical sources, collect data, analyse and communicate historical knowledge. In addition to this, students will think about how historical events and people have affected their own lives.

Read like a Historian: taking a fascination in historical literature to further their historical interest
Learning in Action
In Nursery, starting in our 2 year old room, the children begin their history journey by making sense of their own life-story, noticing differences between people and then their family’s history.  Making connections between the features of their family and other families. Understanding the past through settings, characters and events encountered in books read in class and storytelling.  As well as current events.
In Reception the children continue with their learning about themselves and their family.  This involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community, with opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people places, technology and the environment.
Year 1
IAs we continue our journey as Historians into Year 1, we begin to answer questions using a range of artefacts/ photographs/pictures.  We talk about the different ways that the past is represented and are able to recount some interesting facts from an historical event. We start to confidently talk about some important people from the past.  We begin our wider chronology journey and are able to order at least 3 events onto a timeline.

Year 2
In year 2, we explain how local people or events in history have changed things using new terms such as nationally or internationally.  We describe significant people from the past and talk about what they did, explain the causes of an historical event and what the consequences were.  We are able to explain the impact that significant events from the past have had on the way we live today.  We talk about similarities and differences between two different time periods
Year 3
We begin to give reasons why certain events happened as they did in history, to talk about why certain people acted as they did in history and to explain how events from the past have helped shape our lives today.  We appreciate why Britain would have been an important country to have invaded and conquered and our able to describe changes that have happened in the locality of the school throughout history.  As historians we are now able to give a broad overview of what life was like in the time periods studied.
Year 4
We begin to appreciate why Britain would have been an important country to have invaded and conquered.  We are able to describe changes that have happened in the locality of the school throughout history.  We are able to give a broad overview of life in Britain, e.g. under the Roman Empire, during the Stone Age.  As historians we compare some of the times studied with those of other areas of interest around the world.  We begin to think about the social, ethnic, cultural or religious diversity of past societies.  We are able to describe the characteristic features of the past, including ideas, beliefs, attitudes and experiences of men, women and children
Year 5
Working as Historians in Year 5 we are able to answer historical questions, using information and evidence that we have carefully considered and selected.  We now understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources.  From this we can describe with some detail any historical events from the different periods we have studied.  Using our gained knowledge we can make comparisons and contrasts between historical periods; explaining things that have changed and things which have stayed the same.  In addition to this we  begin to appreciate that how we make decisions as a country has been through a Parliament for some time, and appreciate that significant events in history have helped shape the country we have today
Year 6
In our final year working as historians at St Stephen Churchtown we can show an awareness of the concept of propaganda and how historians must understand the social context of evidence studied We are able to answer historical questions, using information and evidence that we have carefully considered and selected, giving reasons for the choices I have made.  We understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources and can describe in detail any historical events from the different periods we have studied.  We are able to make comparisons and contrasts between historical periods; explaining things that have changed and things which have stayed the same.  We are able to appreciate that how we make decisions as a country has been through a Parliament for some time, and appreciate that significant events in history have helped shape the country we have today
SEND Provision
In History, we have many ways of providing SEND provision. 
  • Photos of sources to suit specific educational levels or need.
  • Scaffolding suited to a students individual need.
  • Pictorial recording and/or exploration of Historical stimulus.
  • Scribe when appropriate. 
  • Vocabulary mats alongside definitions. 
  • 1:1, peer or staff support when appropriate. 
  • Differentiated work when appropriate. 
  • Universal active tasks. 
  • Universal fieldwork (visit) tasks.
Wider Curriculum
At St Stephen, we ensure each child has the opportunity to complete History / Geography fieldwork once a year. Further to this, we make sure to engage with celebratory days, weeks and months, e.g. The King's Coronation, Black History week.  We ensure that examples used in topics cover a range of local, national and international examples.  In addition, the weekly Picture News has historical events weaved within its teachings. 
Examples of Knowledge Organisers
These are used in the children's books at the beginning of each new topic.  The children are encouraged to refer to them to support them with the acquisition of their new Historical knowledge.
Planning Documents

St Stephen Churchtown Academy
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