
Maths 2024-2025


Our intent:

Maths ensures that our children understand and develop key skills that they will carry on into their everyday lives. The planning is sequenced to ensure prior learning is developed and enhanced by reasoning and problem-solving opportunities. We ensure all our children are fluent with arithmetic knowledge and skills. 


We aim to:

  • Ensure that every child has confidence in the recall of key number facts and arithmetic procedures, enabling them to access the whole maths curriculum with confidence and capability.
  • Develop and practise key vocabulary and understanding through reasoning and explanation.
  • Offer all children opportunities to problem solve and apply mathematical knowledge to the wider world.
Learning in Action
Maths is a specific area of learning in the Nursery. The children access maths resources in all areas of the Nursery and it underpins many of our routines, rhymes and songs. The children explore numbers up to 5 daily to have an in depth understanding ready for school. 
The children are familiar with a range of images and numberlines that represent number. 
In Reception, the children explore maths in their classroom and outside area. They develop their understanding of numbers to 20, through a range of manipulatives, songs, rhymes and games. All the areas of the Reception classroom and outside space offer opportunities for every day maths, such as measuring, counting, comparing and shape. 
In Year 1, children learn about numbers within 100, focusing on the place value and the concept of number. They explore with concrete and pictorials representations within practical activities and, independently, through Continuous Provision. Once secure with their understanding, children begin to explore the abstract concept of number. The children learn about position and direction, shape and measure through real-life examples and exploration. 
In Year 2, children explore the place value of number using manipulatives and making links to the abstract representation of number sentences. They consolidate key number facts through rehearsal and practise times tables daily. The children draw their own images to support calculation. 
In Year 3, children explore numbers up to 1000 and develop their understanding of the written methods for all operations. The children explore the methods taught and apply them to a range of problems. They develop their times table recall to support mathematical learning. Children practise life skills such as telling the time and using money.  
In Year 4, children learn about and use numbers up to 10,000, including decimals. The children refine their times table recall, up to 12 x 12 in preparation for the Multiplication check. They continue to develop understanding of real-life skills through learning and applying knowledge of time and money. 
In Year 5, children explore numbers up to 6 digits and practise written methods, including moving on to double digit multiplication. The children explore measure and shape in more depth, focussing on reflection and translation and converting between units of measure. 
In Year 6, children revise place value for numbers up 10,000, 000 and continue to practise written methods for all operation, including multiplying and dividing by 2-digits. They apply knowledge of number to problems linked to fractions with varying denominators, decimals and percentages of whole numbers. 

St Stephen Churchtown Academy
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